Rezzed and Beta8 plans – art upgrade!

March 17, 2015 in Announcements by Tom

Here’s an update on what I’ve been doing and what’s coming up for Lenna’s Inception!


  • Rezzed
  • Artistic upgrade
  • The plot and the ending of the story (no spoilers)


For those who don’t know, EGX Rezzed is an annual game convention in the UK. It’s very indie- and developer-focused which makes it a great opportunity to make new contacts and get feedback on games, as well as get incredibly sick from all the viruses going around!

I got to go to Rezzed this year as an employee of Chucklefish and man the booth for Starbound and the other Chucklefish games, including of course Lenna’s Inception.

I also attended the BeefJack indie game show and tell event on the Thursday evening after the convention and meet a friendly bunch of gamers, developers and a few youtubers. Even if free beers weren’t involved, this still would have been a worthwhile event just for the networking and play-testing, so look out for this event next time!

And the Loading bar unofficial after-party on Saturday was a shit-ton of fun, playing @Robin_B‘s one-dimensional dungeon crawler drunk.

Throughout the week, Lenna’s Inception got a lot of very positive feedback, which I’m very thankful for! Watching so many people play the same demo (with the same seed) over and over also highlighted a few minor issues which I’m going to fix up in future.

And in case you missed it, I announced a graphical upgrade for Lenna’s Inception while at Rezzed…

Artistic upgrade

Lenna’s Inception is getting an artistic upgrade, courtesy of @SamuriFerret, one of the artists on Starbound!

It looks fantastic. 🙂

The present, Gameboy Color-style graphics will still be available as an option. In fact, the new graphics are being implemented as a sort of mod bundled with the game. Beta8 will include the beginnings of a modding system!

It’s still going to be a while before all the new graphics are in the game, and we’re super busy putting this together. The very next thing we’re going to need to do is get enough graphics together to record a trailer for Steam Greenlight. Which, by the way, you can hear about by signing up to the mailing list, *hint* *hint*…

On the plot and the ending of the story…

A conclusion to the plot most likely won’t come in beta8, but people on the forums are starting to theorize about it, and are getting very close!

If you don’t mind potential spoilers, here are the threads:

There is actually enough information in the laboratory, if you read all the books and bookcases, and in the titles of the lost library books, that you might be able to figure out the rest of the story.

I’m very pleased that people are interested in the themes and the plot.

Until next time!
